
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 4 photos

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ID: 16045          Views: 1331

Photo ID: 16045


Photographer: Gamma Technical Corporation     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Hungary)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24P (modified by Gamma)     More
Registration / Serial: 336
CN340 336     More
Operator: 86th "Szolnok" Helicopter Base     More
Remarks: container of the Airborne Nuclear Reconnaissance System

ID: 16044          Views: 1348

Photo ID: 16044


Photographer: Gamma Technical Corporation     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Hungary)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24P (modified by Gamma)     More
Registration / Serial: 336
CN340 336     More
Operator: 86th "Szolnok" Helicopter Base     More
Remarks: container of the Airborne Nuclear Reconnaissance System

ID: 16046          Views: 1290

Photo ID: 16046


Photographer: Gamma Technical Corporation     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Hungary)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24P (modified by Gamma)     More
Registration / Serial: 336
CN340 336     More
Operator: 86th "Szolnok" Helicopter Base     More

ID: 16043          Views: 1483

Photo ID: 16043


Photographer: Gamma Technical Corporation     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Hungary)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24V (modified by Gamma)     More
Registration / Serial: 713
CN220 713     More
Operator: 86th "Szolnok" Helicopter Base     More
Remarks: container of the Airborne Nuclear Reconnaissance System

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