
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 16 photos

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ID: 24625          Views: 100

Photo ID: 24625


Photographer: Dimitrije Ostojic     More
Date: 02Oct2016
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12890
CN134     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 24083          Views: 104

Photo ID: 24083


Photographer: Joop de Groot     More
Date: 07Sep2010
Location: Banja Luka-Zalužani   (LQBZ)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: A-2803
CN142     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

ID: 24081          Views: 161

Photo ID: 24081


Photographer: Sam Wise     More
Date: 27Mar2024
Location: Banja Luka-Mahovljani   (LQBK / BNX)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: A-2803
CN142     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

ID: 23739          Views: 499

Photo ID: 23739


Photographer: Nikola Tomić     More
Date: 27Sep2021
Location: unknown             
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: YU-HFF
CN155     More
Operator: Ministry of Interior     More

ID: 22757          Views: 216

Photo ID: 22757


Photographer: Pedja Stamenkovic     More
Date: 28May2008
Location: Novi Sad   (LYNS)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12870
CN101     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 22756          Views: 231

Photo ID: 22756


Photographer: Pedja Stamenkovic     More
Date:  Oct2006
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12876
CN107     More
Operator: AF of Serbia and Montenegro     More

ID: 22750          Views: 351

Photo ID: 22750


Photographer: Collection M. Micevskog     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12879
CN110     More
Operator: AF of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia     More

ID: 22747          Views: 662

Photo ID: 22747


Photographer: Uroš Mitrović     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12880
CN121     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 21582          Views: 227

Photo ID: 21582


Photographer: Lowpass Aviation     More
Date:  Mar2018
Location: Banja Luka-Mahovljani   (LQBK / BNX)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: A-2803
CN142     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

ID: 17410          Views: 1292

Photo ID: 17410


Photographer: Dragan Trifunović     More
Date: 14Sep2019
Location: OFF Airport - Nikinci        More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: YU-HFF
CN155     More
Operator: Ministry of Interior     More

ID: 17382          Views: 511

Photo ID: 17382


Photographer: Ivan Bukvic     More
Date: 30Aug2014
Location: Vršac   (LYVR / VRC)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12870
CN101     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 17371          Views: 553

Photo ID: 17371


Photographer: Alexander ST. Alexandrov     More
Date: 21May2011
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12895
CN154     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 17367          Views: 634

Photo ID: 17367


Photographer: FoxbatRu     More
Date: 02Sep2012
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12894
CN153     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 17364          Views: 522

Photo ID: 17364


Photographer: Dragos Samoilescu     More
Date:  2014
Location: Vršac   (LYVR / VRC)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12876
CN107     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 17304          Views: 511

Photo ID: 17304


Photographer: Marinus Dirk Tabak     More
Date: 17Aug2010
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12895
CN154     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 17295          Views: 1133

Photo ID: 17295


Photographer: unknown     
Date: 19Oct2019
Location: unknown             
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: HO-45 (SA-342L Gazelle)     More
Registration / Serial: 12880
CN121     More
Operator: Serbian Air Force and Air Defence     More
Remarks: Sloboda 2019 (Freedom 2019) demonstration marking the 75th anniversary of Belgrads liberation from Nazi occupation

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