
by Thomas Girke

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Photo Gallery

Your search returned 70 photos

ordered by  showing 

ID: 24631          Views: 42

Photo ID: 24631


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 21Sep2024
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5827
CN56 58 27 12 8     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

ID: 21073          Views: 69

Photo ID: 21073


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 21Sep2024
Location: OFF Airport - Zalesie Górne        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)
CN56 53 49 12 7     More
Operator: Park "Planeta Zalesie"     More

ID: 23293          Views: 194

Photo ID: 23293


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 15Feb1991
Location: Pruszcz Gdański   (EPPR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 3609
CN56 36 09 08 4     More
Operator: 49th Combat Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 22208          Views: 186

Photo ID: 22208


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 12Aug2023
Location: Płock   (EPPL)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 22207          Views: 195

Photo ID: 22207


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 12Aug2023
Location: Płock   (EPPL)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More
Remarks: RIO-3 ice detector

ID: 22206          Views: 174

Photo ID: 22206


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 12Aug2023
Location: Płock   (EPPL)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 22205          Views: 162

Photo ID: 22205


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 12Aug2023
Location: Płock   (EPPL)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 22204          Views: 168

Photo ID: 22204


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 12Aug2023
Location: Płock   (EPPL)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 19267          Views: 751

Photo ID: 19267


Photographer: Pudelek     More
Date: 21May2020
Location: OFF Airport - Węgierska Górka        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)
CN56 36 21 08 4     More
Operator: Fort Wędrowiec     More

ID: 19268          Views: 808

Photo ID: 19268


Photographer: Jurek     More
Date: 19Apr2021
Location: OFF Airport - Węgierska Górka        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)
CN56 36 21 08 4     More
Operator: Fort Wędrowiec     More

ID: 19170          Views: 557

Photo ID: 19170


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 19166          Views: 505

Photo ID: 19166


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 19165          Views: 520

Photo ID: 19165


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 19164          Views: 542

Photo ID: 19164


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 19163          Views: 522

Photo ID: 19163


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 19162          Views: 506

Photo ID: 19162


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 17Dec2021
Location: Bydgoszcz   (EPBY / BZG)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 18790          Views: 408

Photo ID: 18790


Photographer: Maciej Krawczyk     More
Date: 05Oct2021
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5827
CN56 58 27 12 8     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

ID: 18776          Views: 466

Photo ID: 18776


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date:  Jun1997
Location: Łódź-Lublinek   (EPLL / LCJ)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5339
CN56 53 39 11 7     More
Operator: Military Aviation Works No.1 Łódź     More

ID: 16879          Views: 783

Photo ID: 16879


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 12Mar2014
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5827
CN56 58 27 12 8     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

ID: 16498          Views: 762

Photo ID: 16498


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 05Dec2019
Location: Inowrocław-Latkowo AB   (EPIR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5341
CN56 53 41 11 7     More
Operator: 56th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 14708          Views: 1175

Photo ID: 14708


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 18Apr2018
Location: Wicko Morskie        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6429
CN56 64 29 12 9     More
Operator: 49th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 14709          Views: 1170

Photo ID: 14709


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 20Apr2018
Location: Wicko Morskie        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6429
CN56 64 29 12 9     More
Operator: 49th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 14710          Views: 1034

Photo ID: 14710


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 20Apr2018
Location: Wicko Morskie        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6429
CN56 64 29 12 9     More
Operator: 49th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 14711          Views: 1051

Photo ID: 14711


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 18Apr2018
Location: Wicko Morskie        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6429
CN56 64 29 12 9     More
Operator: 49th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 13602          Views: 1179

Photo ID: 13602


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 20May2017
Location: Inowrocław-Latkowo AB   (EPIR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 13601          Views: 1235

Photo ID: 13601


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 20May2017
Location: Inowrocław-Latkowo AB   (EPIR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 13603          Views: 1095

Photo ID: 13603


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 20May2017
Location: Inowrocław-Latkowo AB   (EPIR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 13604          Views: 1064

Photo ID: 13604


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 20May2017
Location: Inowrocław-Latkowo AB   (EPIR)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Army Aviation Base     More

ID: 12337          Views: 1351

Photo ID: 12337


Photographer: Gdyńska Brygada Lotnictwa MW     More
Date: 28May2015
Location: Gdynia-Babie Doły   (EPOK)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6428
CN56 64 28 12 9     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 12336          Views: 1185

Photo ID: 12336


Photographer: Michał Franczyk     More
Date: 06Sep2013
Location: Gdynia-Babie Doły   (EPOK)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5348
CN56 53 48 12 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 12328          Views: 1180

Photo ID: 12328


Photographer: Piotr Trojan     More
Date: 14Nov2014
Location: Gdynia-Babie Doły   (EPOK)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6428
CN56 64 28 12 9     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More

ID: 11841          Views: 1138

Photo ID: 11841


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 16Jul2015
Location: OFF Airport - Malutkie        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5340
CN56 53 40 11 7     More
Operator: Malutkie Resort     More

ID: 10386          Views: 1204

Photo ID: 10386


Photographer: Patryk Szymański     More
Date: 04Jul2012
Location: OFF Airport - Przęsocin        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5349
CN56 53 49 12 7     More
Operator: private     More

ID: 10385          Views: 1216

Photo ID: 10385


Photographer: Michał Kołomyjski     More
Date: 10Apr2011
Location: OFF Airport - Przęsocin        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5349
CN56 53 49 12 7     More
Operator: private     More

ID: 10304          Views: 1048

Photo ID: 10304


Photographer: Krzysiek Dz     More
Date: 03Mar2014
Location: OFF Airport - Malutkie        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5340
CN56 53 40 11 7     More
Operator: Malutkie Resort     More

ID: 10238          Views: 609

Photo ID: 10238


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 08Apr2014
Location: OFF Airport - Dęblin        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 3648
CN56 36 48 09 4     More
Operator: Air Force Museum     More

ID: 10237          Views: 720

Photo ID: 10237


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 08Apr2014
Location: OFF Airport - Dęblin        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 3648
CN56 36 48 09 4     More
Operator: Air Force Museum     More

ID: 10251          Views: 675

Photo ID: 10251


Photographer: Marcin Sieradzki     More
Date: 10Apr2014
Location: Dęblin-Irena   (EPDE)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5344
CN56 53 44 12 7     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 9955          Views: 1203

Photo ID: 9955


Photographer: Marek Jasiak     More
Date: 10Jan2014
Location: OFF Airport - Katowice        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 3621
CN56 36 21 08 4     More
Operator: private Katowice     More

ID: 2409          Views: 1676

Photo ID: 2409


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 24Jun2006
Location: Nowy Glinnik   (EPTM)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6430
CN56 64 30 12 9     More
Operator: 56th Combat Helicopters Regiment     More

ID: 9913          Views: 1419

Photo ID: 9913


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date: 24Jun2006
Location: Nowy Glinnik   (EPTM)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6430
CN56 64 30 12 9     More
Operator: 56th Combat Helicopters Regiment     More

ID: 9110          Views: 1479

Photo ID: 9110


Photographer: Wacław Hołyś     More
Date:  Aug1981
Location: Piotrków Trybunalski   (EPPT)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5349
CN56 53 49 12 7     More
Operator: 49th Land Forces Aviation Regiment     More

ID: 8316          Views: 1959

Photo ID: 8316


Photographer: Adam Pękala     More
Date: 22Jan2010
Location: Nowy Glinnik   (EPTM)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Combat Helicopters Regiment     More

ID: 5614          Views: 1480

Photo ID: 5614


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Jul2010
Location: OFF Airport - Rzyszczewo        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5826
CN56 58 26 12 8     More
Operator: Robert Niezawitowski (Rzyszczewo)     More

ID: 5612          Views: 1705

Photo ID: 5612


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Jul2010
Location: OFF Airport - Rzyszczewo        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5826
CN56 58 26 12 8     More
Operator: Robert Niezawitowski (Rzyszczewo)     More

ID: 5613          Views: 1578

Photo ID: 5613


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Jul2010
Location: OFF Airport - Rzyszczewo        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5826
CN56 58 26 12 8     More
Operator: Robert Niezawitowski (Rzyszczewo)     More

ID: 5514          Views: 1634

Photo ID: 5514


Photographer: Adam Pękala     More
Date: 28Jun2010
Location: Nowy Glinnik   (EPTM)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6429
CN56 64 29 12 9     More
Operator: 49th Combat Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 5128          Views: 1707

Photo ID: 5128


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date:  Aug1981
Location: Piotrków Trybunalski   (EPPT)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 6431
CN56 64 31 12 9     More
Operator: 56th Land Forces Aviation Regiment     More
Remarks: 4th FAI World Helicopter Championship

ID: 4831          Views: 1760

Photo ID: 4831


Photographer: Adam Pękala     More
Date: 14Jan2010
Location: Nowy Glinnik   (EPTM)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5346
CN56 53 46 12 7     More
Operator: 56th Combat Helicopters Regiment     More

ID: 4489          Views: 1506

Photo ID: 4489


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date:  Aug1981
Location: Piotrków Trybunalski   (EPPT)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2R     More
Registration / Serial: 5341
CN56 53 41 11 7     More
Operator: 56th Land Forces Aviation Regiment     More
Remarks: 4th FAI World Helicopter Championship

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