
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 12 photos

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ID: 24647          Views: 35

Photo ID: 24647


Photographer: Aleksandr Lebedev     More
Date: 16Apr2019
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: SM-1Wb     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-17411
CN: 5 07 017     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 24646          Views: 34

Photo ID: 24646


Photographer: Aleksandr Lebedev     More
Date: 16Apr2019
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-25564 (1)
CN30 14     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 24645          Views: 31

Photo ID: 24645


Photographer: Sergei Ryabtsev     More
Date: 24May2015
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-25564 (1)
CN30 14     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 23538          Views: 124

Photo ID: 23538


Photographer: piligrim51     More
Date: 19Aug2015
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-23855
CN54 13 08 11 9     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 23537          Views: 149

Photo ID: 23537


Photographer: Sergei Ryabtsev     More
Date: 22Apr2011
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-23855
CN54 13 08 11 9     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 23536          Views: 306

Photo ID: 23536


Photographer: Paul Seymour     More
Date: 09Sep1992
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-23855
CN54 13 08 11 9     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 19844          Views: 454

Photo ID: 19844


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date:  1992
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-4S(Salon)     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-35277
CN12 145     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 4932          Views: 2481

Photo ID: 4932


Photographer: Bob Wood     More
Date: 18Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-25564 (1)
CN30 14     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 4933          Views: 2472

Photo ID: 4933


Photographer: Bob Wood     More
Date: 18Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-23855
CN54 13 08 11 9     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 4934          Views: 2269

Photo ID: 4934


Photographer: Bob Wood     More
Date: 18Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: SM-1Wb     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-17411
CN: 5 07 017     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 3925          Views: 3050

Photo ID: 3925


Photographer: Bob Wood     More
Date: 18Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-4S(Salon)     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-35277
CN12 145     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

ID: 4935          Views: 2526

Photo ID: 4935


Photographer: Bob Wood     More
Date: 18Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Ulyanovsk        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-21868
CN3 68 14 04 V     More
Operator: Museum of the Civil Aviation History     More

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