
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 4 photos

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ID: 18945          Views: 376

Photo ID: 18945


Photographer: Sergei Ryabtsev     More
Date: 14Sep2013
Location: Lida   (UMDD)     More     
(Belarus)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24P     More
Registration / Serial: 12 white
CN353 243 1 6 22586     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Republic of Belarus     More

ID: 18907          Views: 821

Photo ID: 18907


Photographer: Aleksandr Zhukov     More
Date:  Oct2020
Location: Lida   (UMDD)     More     
(Belarus)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 68 white      
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Republic of Belarus     More

ID: 17430          Views: 487

Photo ID: 17430


Photographer: Aleksandr Zhukov     More
Date:  Oct2020
Location: Lida   (UMDD)     More     
(Belarus)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 68 white      
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Republic of Belarus     More

ID: 16056          Views: 1589

Photo ID: 16056


Photographer: Sergei Burdin     More
Date: 01Oct2011
Location: Lida   (UMDD)     More     
(Belarus)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24R     More
Registration / Serial: 45 white
CN353 462 3 9 12925     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Republic of Belarus     More

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