
by Thomas Girke

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ID: 22160          Views: 380

Photo ID: 22160


Photographer: UN Photo / Martine Perret     More
Date: 15Apr2012
Location: unknown             
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25429   /   UNO-064
CN9 54 61     More
Operator: United Nations     More
Remarks: A United Nations helicopter drops off election materials and personnel for polling centres in Sibuni and Atudara, remote areas in Timor-Leste, in advance of the second round of presidential elections.

ID: 19240          Views: 558

Photo ID: 19240


Photographer: unknown     
Date: 08Apr2007
Location: unknown             
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22417 (2)
CN9 65 76     More
Operator: Vostok     More
Remarks: UN peacekeeping soldiers stand guard at an airport during the distribution of ballot papers for the presidential election on 09Apr2007.

ID: 8763          Views: 1967

Photo ID: 8763


Photographer: Australian Defence Force     More
Date: 13Sep2004
Location: OFF Airport - Moleana        More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25421   /   UN-062
CN9 55 31     More
Operator: Vostok     More
Remarks: Brazilian MPs of the UN Security Forces Incident Response Unit disembark from a UN Mi-8 helicopter.

ID: 8762          Views: 2317

Photo ID: 8762


Photographer: Australian Defence Force     More
Date: 13Sep2004
Location: OFF Airport - Moleana        More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25421   /   UN-062
CN9 55 31     More
Operator: Vostok     More

ID: 8759          Views: 1137

Photo ID: 8759


Photographer: James Barnett     More
Date: 08Jan2011
Location: Dili   (WPDL / DIL)     More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22417 (2)   /   UNO-080
CN9 65 76     More
Operator: Vostok     More
URL: https://www.planespotters.net

ID: 5918          Views: 2677

Photo ID: 5918


Photographer: United Nations Photo     More
Date: 07May2007
Location: OFF Airport - Same        More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25421   /   UN-062
CN9 55 31     More
Operator: Vostok     More
Remarks: UNMIT helicopter provides logistical support during the 08May2007 Presidential election

ID: 5917          Views: 3173

Photo ID: 5917


Photographer: United Nations Photo     More
Date: 28Jun2007
Location: OFF Airport - Alas        More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22417 (2)
CN9 65 76     More
Operator: Vostok     More
Remarks: UNMIT helicopter delivers electoral materials for the 30Jun2007 Parliamentary elections

ID: 5916          Views: 3533

Photo ID: 5916


Photographer: UN Photo / Martine Perret     More
Date: 08Oct2009
Location: unknown             
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25422   /   UNO-063
CN9 55 32     More
Operator: United Nations     More
Remarks: UNMIT helicopter delivers electoral materials in remote areas of the country for the 09Oct2009 Second National Village Council elections

ID: 5915          Views: 2538

Photo ID: 5915


Photographer: UN Photo / Bernardino Soares     More
Date: 03Jul2010
Location: OFF Airport - Uatucarbao        More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25422   /   UNO-063
CN9 55 32     More
Operator: United Nations     More
Remarks: UNMIT helictopters bring relief supplies to flood-affected towns

ID: 1216          Views: 1068

Photo ID: 1216


Photographer: Piotrek Lipinski     More
Date: 25Jun2004
Location: Baucau-Cakung   (WPEC)     More     
(East Timor)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25422   /   UN-063
CN9 55 32     More
Operator: United Nations     More

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