
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 3 photos

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ID: 19835          Views: 533

Photo ID: 19835


Photographer: Alan Lathan     More
Date: 01Sep1989
Location: Tábor   (LKTA)     More     
(Czech Republic)     More
Aircraft: Mi-4B     More
Registration / Serial: 9147
CN09 147     More
Operator: Czechoslovak Air Force     More

ID: 14874          Views: 1236

Photo ID: 14874


Photographer: Jakub Fojtík     More
Date: 15Jul2018
Location: OFF Airport - Weston-super-Mare        More     Map
(Great Britain)     More
Aircraft: Mi-4B     More
Registration / Serial: 9147
CN09 147     More
Operator: The International Helicopter Museum     More

ID: 3920          Views: 1300

Photo ID: 3920


Photographer: Simon Thomas     More
Date:  1997
Location: OFF Airport - Weston-super-Mare        More     Map
(Great Britain)     More
Aircraft: Mi-4B     More
Registration / Serial: 9147
CN09 147     More
Operator: The International Helicopter Museum     More

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