
by Thomas Girke

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ID: 17033          Views: 554

Photo ID: 17033


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date:  Jul1992
Location: Moscow-Myachkovo        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-22487 (1)
CN23 76     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More

ID: 17034          Views: 913

Photo ID: 17034


Photographer: unknown     
Date:  1975
Location: unknown             
(Antarctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-22487 (1)
CN23 76     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More
Remarks: Mi-8T CCCP-22487 and CCCP-25704 on board of the vessel "Ob", photo was taken at the Mac. Robertson Land (Antarctica) in 1975

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