
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 6 photos

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ID: 24632          Views: 46

Photo ID: 24632


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 21Sep2024
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

ID: 18791          Views: 365

Photo ID: 18791


Photographer: Maciej Krawczyk     More
Date: 05Oct2021
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

ID: 11393          Views: 1358

Photo ID: 11393


Photographer: Stefan Mieszkowski     More
Date: 14Dec2013
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Park Militarny Rembertów     More

ID: 11339          Views: 2235

Photo ID: 11339


Photographer: Zbigniew Jóźwik     More
Date: 19Jun2013
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Park Militarny Rembertów     More

ID: 11338          Views: 2577

Photo ID: 11338


Photographer: Zbigniew Jóźwik     More
Date: 19Jun2013
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     Map
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Park Militarny Rembertów     More

ID: 2321          Views: 1480

Photo ID: 2321


Photographer: Adam Pękala     More
Date: 30Sep2006
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: 2215
CN54 22 15 01 2     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Military Technology     More

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