
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 15 photos

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ID: 20794          Views: 373

Photo ID: 20794


Photographer: Simon Brooke     More
Date: 21Aug2001
Location: St.Petersburg-Rzhevka   (ULLR / RVH)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: Rosneft-Baltika     More

ID: 20795          Views: 354

Photo ID: 20795


Photographer: Simon Brooke     More
Date: 24Aug1999
Location: St.Petersburg-Rzhevka   (ULLR / RVH)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: Rosneft-Baltika     More

ID: 20793          Views: 153

Photo ID: 20793


Photographer: Vyacheslav Babaevski     More
Date: 23Sep2006
Location: St.Petersburg-Rzhevka   (ULLR / RVH)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: unknown     

ID: 20784          Views: 201

Photo ID: 20784


Photographer: Vladimir Pochekutov     More
Date: 28Dec2016
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: AeroGEO     More

ID: 8747          Views: 2184

Photo ID: 8747


Photographer: stiletto1104     More
Date: unknown
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: AeroGEO     More

ID: 5281          Views: 1305

Photo ID: 5281


Photographer: Barry Griffiths     More
Date: 02Jul2008
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: on board ice-breaker "50 Years of Victory"

ID: 5153          Views: 1270

Photo ID: 5153


Photographer: Barry Griffiths     More
Date: 28Jun2008
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: on board ice-breaker "50 Years of Victory"

ID: 5184          Views: 1289

Photo ID: 5184


Photographer: unknown     
Date: 27May2008
Location: unknown             
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
URL: http://www.fyjs.cn

ID: 5154          Views: 2691

Photo ID: 5154


Photographer: Barry Griffiths     More
Date: 30Jun2008
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: landing on flight deck ice-breaker "50 Years of Victory"

ID: 5155          Views: 2723

Photo ID: 5155


Photographer: Barry Griffiths     More
Date: 30Jun2008
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: departing flight deck ice-breaker "50 Years of Victory"

ID: 5115          Views: 1726

Photo ID: 5115


Photographer: YuriGagarin     More
Date: 19Sep2007
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: support of Russian Arctic Expedition 2007

ID: 5114          Views: 1905

Photo ID: 5114


Photographer: YuriGagarin     More
Date: 21Mar2007
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: on board "Akademik Fedorov" supporting the Russian Arctic Expedition 2007

ID: 5113          Views: 1996

Photo ID: 5113


Photographer: YuriGagarin     More
Date: 21Mar2007
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: support of Russian Arctic Expedition 2007

ID: 5112          Views: 2165

Photo ID: 5112


Photographer: YuriGagarin     More
Date: 23Mar2007
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: on board "Akademik Fedorov" supporting the Russian Arctic Expedition 2007

ID: 4863          Views: 1934

Photo ID: 4863


Photographer: YuriGagarin     More
Date: 19Sep2007
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22772
CN9 83 11643     More
Operator: SPARC - St. Petersburg Aircraft Repair Company     More
Remarks: support of Russian Arctic Expedition 2007

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